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August 10, 2008
Shocker: Exxon Execs donated more to Obama than McCain
So much for the evil big oil ploy. Of course Obama will be giving all that money back because he's so principled and pure, right? Right? This couldn't possibly have anything to do with Obama policies that would keep the price of oil high, right? Obama just keep writing McCain's campaign material for him. Maybe McCain can just fire his whole campaign staff as a cost reduction measure and rely on Obama?
...they may have found an unwelcome surprise in a just-released analysis by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Turns out, the biggest recipient of contributions from Exxon executives and employees during this campaign is not McCain. It's Obama.
The non-partisan center writes: "Through June, Exxon employees have given Obama $42,100 to McCain's $35,166. Chevron favors Obama $35,157 to $28,500, and Obama edges out McCain with BP $16,046 vs. $11,500."...