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August 27, 2008
FNC: Hillary Releases Her Delegates
According to Cavuto there were cries of "No!" at the meeting where she made the announcement.
Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.
``I am here today to release you,'' she said in a meeting with her delegates. ``I am not telling you what to do. I signed my ballot this morning for Senator Obama.''
Obama, of Illinois is set to formally become the Democratic nominee this afternoon in Denver after a roll-call vote of state delegations.
According to Major Garrett on Fox they have collected the tally sheets. At 7pm they do the official nominating speeches and the roll call. Apparently there's some deal where Hillary will announce the NY tally which will go overwhelmingly for Obama despite the outcome of the actual vote in New York.
Selected not elected!
Oh...Joe Biden, the 3rd Senator from PA and the VP nominee will speak tonight. Can't you feel the excitement for him?
Delicious bit of awesomeness on Fox...A Hillary delegate (Michael Wagner, an old, white guy) says Obama's unity efforts remind him of Russia's efforts to unify with Georgia.
PUMAs!!!!! Attack!!!!!!
posted by DrewM. at
04:24 PM
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