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August 20, 2008
GOP Convention Speakers List- No Clues On VP
All the major players are already slotted so it's either a wild card or there's no correlation between having a scheduled speaking slot and being the VP. My guess is it's the latter.
The one person I think this list does eliminate is Rudy. He's now scheduled to be the Keynote Speaker on Tuesday.
Monday: Lieberman, Schwarzenegger, The Dark Lord and Master Cheney, Laura Bush and then the President.
Tuesday: Rudy, Huckabee, Ridge, Palin, and a bunch of others including Teh Fred.
Wednesday: Meg Whitman, Carly Fiorina, Romney, Cindy McCain, Bobby Jindal, and the VP nominee.
Thursday: Tim Pawlenty, Charlie Crist, Sam Brownback, Mel Martinez, and of course John McCain.
Does that leave anyone who has been floated as a possible VP choice?
Actually Rob Portman isn't on the list and as commenter "pistolero" points out neither is Eric Cantor. That might just be because it's a partial list and the Star Trib doesn't take a couple of Congressmen seriously or it might be something else.
The list is from the GOP convention website and it doesn't include either of those two, so who knows. Remember, the announcement is supposed to be made in Ohio, a week from Friday. Portman represented southern Ohio in Congress.

posted by DrewM. at
01:56 PM
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