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August 26, 2008
Granny Rictus McBotoxImplants, Catholic Theologian: Edict Against Abortion Began "50 Years Ago or Something Like That"
Let the American Papist (yup -- great name) narrate the controversy.
Here's how Granny Rictus McBotoxImplants cautiously begins:
REP. PELOSI: I would say that as an ardent, practicing Catholic, this is an issue that I have studied for a long time.
Cardinals and bishops are correcting her, but as of yet, no response. She must be busy in her library of Catholic theology, researching the question further.
Probably wearing a mitre. And maybe two more mitres on each of the saline-filled medicine balls she calls her cans.
More on Granny Rictus McBotoxImplants: In the same interview she defined natural gas as not a fossil fuel (it's an alternative energy, it seems), she explains away her conflict-of-interest investment in "green" energy companies thus:
She also said that an investment she and her husband had made in a company that produces natural gas for use in automobiles, revealed last week by The Wall Street Journal, was not a conflict of interest because "I'm investing in something I believe in."
Ah. So she "believes" in the investment. Ergo, no conflict of interest. Even though she's pushing T. Boone Pickens' plan to convert natural gas (not a fossil fuel, incidentally) into automobile fuels.
And Still More on Nana PlasticKnockers McSatanWhore: Oh, the wit. The drollery.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wanted to know if those people chanting "drill here, drill now' really meant it.
"Right here? You want to drill right here?" Pelosi asked as John McCain supporters began their chant. "Can we drill your brain?"
She left without taking questions. Then she went to her plastic surgeon to have the stem cells from an aborted fetus injected directly into her clitoris. There is no medical purpose to this procedure, her doctor allowed; Granny Rictus just "likes the buzz."