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August 09, 2008
Rielle Hunter: Paternity Test? No Thanks
Apparently her sister is more interested in standing up for her than she is. I'm sure Silky is broken up over his inability to clear his name.
In a statement provided to The Washington Post, Hunter said through her attorney that she will not be party to such a test "now or in the future."
The attorney, Robert Gordon, called Hunter a "private" person who is "not running for public office" and would not comment further.
"She wishes to maintain her privacy and her daughter's privacy," he said in the statement. "Furthermore, Rielle will not participate in DNA testing or any other invasion of her or her daughter's privacy now or in the future."
If Hunter sticks to that position, it will ease the pressure on Edwards, who on Friday dropped his earlier denials and admitted to having an affair with Hunter in 2006 but denied being the father of the child.
Hunter's decision also makes it easier for mainstream news outlets to move on from this story. Had the story continued, it would have made their job of protecting Barack and avenging Elizabeth much harder
There's an outside chance that last paragraph was not actually part of the original story.
Just curious...does anyone know where Fred Baron was today?
h/t Instapundit
UPDATE: Edwards wasn't happy that ABC promoted the interview. Did he really think they'd run it unannounced? Protect Elizabeth only goes so far. Plus, it looks like it was Brian Ross' efforts that pushed Edwards to go public

posted by DrewM. at
07:45 PM
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