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August 01, 2008
Admission: Captain Bullshit's Sidekick David Axelrod Admits "Doesn't Look Like Other Presidents on Dollar Bills" Referred to Race, Among Other Things
And yet he, and the media, continue to insist that it was McCain who injected race into the campaign.
Despite the fact that Obama specifically said McCain (and Bush, and "they") would attack Obama for "not looking" like other presidents, i.e. being half-black.
See, in Obamaworld, this makes sense. And our media lives in downtown Obamaworld.
Sen. Barack Obama’s chief strategist conceded that the Democratic presidential candidate was referring to his race when he said Republicans were trying to scare voters by suggesting Obama “doesn’t look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills.”…
When pressed to explain the comment, Axelrod told “GMA” it meant, “He’s not from central casting when it comes to candidates for president of the United States. He’s new to Washington. Yes, he’s African-American.”
This after yesterday's strident insistence that the remark had nothing to do with race whatsoever.
Captain Bullshit rides again.
If you watch the video at Hot Air, note that Matt Lauer elicits -- possibly accidentally -- this crucial admission from Axelrod, and then changes the subject as quickly as he can rather than ask follow-up questions.
Either he's stone cold stupid, or he realized quickly Axelrod had made a damaging admission, and tried to help his buddy out of a jam as quickly as possible.
To steal more from Hot Air: Oddly, the Times "editorial" I posted last night was in fact written by the NYT editorial board, but oddly enough ran as a blog post, not as an actual editorial on the Op-Ed pages.
McCain's campaign guesses:
That the Times made this allegation in a blog post rather than running it on the editorial page indicates that they either knew the charge was bogus or they didn’t have the nerve to make their case in full view of the public. But in their new role as bloggers, the paper’s editors seem to have all the intelligence and reason of the average Daily Kos diarist sitting at home in his mother’s basement and ranting into the ether between games of dungeons and dragons.
Hey, buddy, are you trying to lose my vote now?
That's capitalized by the way, douchebags.
Andrea Mitchell is a Fucking Lying Whore; She insists that she doesn't think Obama injected race into the argument, and neither did anyone else in the media.
The problem? Mitchell and everyone in the media knows that Obama's people were pushing the race attack on the celebrity ad for a full night and a day. They got the calls. They know damn well Obama wanted the MSM to brand the ad as racist (as the New York Times editorial board did, in a blog post; as Obama's favorite race-based bloggers at TPM did, etc.).
Andrea Mitchell is now swearing to facts she knows to be 100% false.