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August 01, 2008
Obama: Why Would I Make a Complaint About Racism to White People, Given that White People Obviously Are Antipathetic to the Plight of Poor Downtrodden Blacks Like Myself?
The latest claim: He couldn't have been making a racial grievance, because he wouldn't have done so in front of a crowd that was 98% white.
White liberal, by the way. White liberals tend to be pretty receptive to such racial grievances, by and large. Hell, white liberals are pretty willing to give Al Qaeda's cultural grievances a fair hearing, too.
But let's ignore the stupidity of that: Obama is saying he would only make such a claim in front of black audiences. Why? Apparently because white people bitterly cling to racism themselves, and thus would hardly be swayed by such a complaint.
This is not the Great National Debate on Race Obama thought he knew.
Allah has more at the link, including the fact that when he used the less-ambiguous formulation of his go-to smear -- "Oh, and did I mention he's black?" -- he was also speaking in front of a lot of white liberals, who ate it up.
Does anyone in the media sort of begin to notice that when Obama is caught out in bad behavior, we get a bewildering blizzard of contradictory statements from his camp, none of which are quite honest, each of which is being tried out on the media to see which flies? We saw the same thing when he blew off the wounded troops, of course; after a series of different gambits with varying amounts of deception and truth in them, Jake Tapper was happy to proclaim that finally we had gotten a statement "seemingly close to the truth," which closed the issue completely for him.
I'm sorry, but that didn't close the issue for me then, and the Obama camp's contradictory attempts at spin -- including David Axelrod's modified limited hang-out admission that yes, his reference to "presidents on dollar bills" was at least partly about race -- doesn't satisfy me now.
His chief strategist says the remark did implicate race, and by design; Obama now swears it absolutely didn't.
I suppose we have to wait for the MSM to decide which version they like better, and which will sell better with the public, and only then will we find out the answer to the question.