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August 13, 2008
NFL Moron Picks UPDATED (AoSHQI full, added AoSHQII)
A man's got to know his limitations, or so the quote goes. None of you do though, so if you're in the mood to make picks and talk shit, I've set up an NFL Pick Em league for AoS readers.
At least I think I have.
Go here and select Join A Group, then select Join A Private Group.
The group ID is 22406 and the password is a well known man who's on an integrity kick, a man who is very concerned that the guys get shirts. 8 characters firstnamelastname, no space in between, no preceeding "Mr."
"Mr." is just implicit, ok? Do you understand where I'm coming from with integrity?
Picks are against the spread, cut off time is 5 minutes before Game 1 (which is Thursday, Sept. 4, Giants vs. Redskins). Remember if you miss the cutoff for the first game, you're screwed for the rest of that week's picks. Yahoo limits the size of the group to 50, so first to sign up are first to play. I think we had 3 groups last year, but the other two were full of cheats and ne'erdowells.
If you have any questions I can actually answer, email me at gooberintexas -at- gmail -dot- com. Helpful answers are a nickel, stupid answers are free.
Just like always.
UPDATE: My how time flies. Back in the mists of antiquity, ace riffed on a certain recording of a certain celebrity ripping new assholes into his band members, for a variety of transgressions. You can find the link to this classic audio in the right margin, scroll down below FAQs. Even if you don't read all the other posts, listen to the audio (look for audio link in this post). Believe me, it's worth it.
Or you can just email me. I've answered several this am, and I put you some fuckin knowledge in here.
UPDATE2: Ok, that group is full. I set up a second one for the cheats and ne'erdowells. Group id is 23291, same password.

posted by Dave In Texas at
11:47 PM
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