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August 10, 2008
Interview with the Valley Girl War Protester (genghis)
Foreward: In case it helps, and I'm sure it will as you're trying to puncture your eardrums with an ice-pick while listening to this interview, our young friend managed to get himself Tasered while protesting at the Port of Olympia against military hardware returning from Iraq.
Like, I wasn’t sure if I should, like, post this, uh, like, interview, but, like, you know, like, it seemed kind of, like, uh, interesting and, uh, like, you might kind of, uh, like it and it seemed like it was, like, important or, like, something.
Not the actual war protester interviewed, but, like, dreamy nonetheless
(courtesy of the Dori Monson show…no spoons were intentionally, like, you know, gagged on in this interview)
Update: I considered deleting the first comment by Diderot's dog, but I think I'll let it stay there as the bright shining example of trollish stupidity it is. Nicely done, sir, nicely done!
posted by xgenghisx at
10:39 PM
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