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August 10, 2008
AQ flees Saudi Arabia for Dubai
The Yemen Times is reporting that AQ in the kindgom have all been ordered to take a break at the Middle Eastern garden spot, financial nexus, and 5-star everything of Dubai for some well deserved R&R.
...According to observers, Yemen has been nominated in the near future as suitable ground for typical Al-Qaeda operations, particularly since Al-Qaeda’s Saudi Arabia branch recently has called upon its supporters to move to Yemen to avoid arrest by Saudi security authorities...
Oh wait...did I say Dubai? My bad. I've been thinking of visiting Dubai, the AQ slime are fleeing the kingdom because its no longer safe for them there and they've all been ordered to beat feet to the garden spot and 5-star everything tourist destination of Yemen and setup shop there instead.
Wait, what do you mean Yemen isn't a garden spot? Its a thugocracy run by a dictator with a 5th grade education who used to be a pirate? WTF? And the Yemani notion of 5-star is having clean sheets available upon request and putting down a deposit? And you stand a better chance of being murdered there than in Baghdad while wearing an Israeli flag draped over your shoulders?
Seriously AQ dudes -- you need to get with your travel booking clerk and sort this mess out. Someone is seriously jerking your chain if they've sent you to Yemen.
This is Dubai:

This is Yemen: