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August 29, 2008
These Are Not the Supporters Barack Obama Thought He Knew
Via Instapundit, Reclusive Leftist writes:
Why is it a genius move?
It will complete the alienation of the rest of the Hillary supporters from the Obama camp. How? That’s easy — the Obamabots will do it themselves. Go read the Washington Post blog or anywhere online where the Palin pick is being discussed, and you’ll see the trademark Obama misogyny already out in full force. She’s been on the ticket for two seconds and already the Obamabots are saying she “looks like a porn star,” they’re making rude remarks about her childbearing, they’re ridiculing her intelligence.
Keep it up, possums. Keep it up. Just when some Hillary supporters were trying to forget what misogynist freaks you all are, now you’re going to remind us all over again.
Oh, she must be exaggerating. Surely these Obamabots wouldn't do anything like that. Not publicly, anyway.
But wait-- what's this comment Nom de Blog just pointed out in the Cool Facts thread?
Sarah Palin's judgment is despicalble. She knowingly whelped a Mongoloid child earlier this year, probably to pander to the Right to Life Nutbags.
Irresponsible decisions like hers dilutes the viability of the American Gene Pool. No wonder why we are falling farther and farther behind in an increasingly competitive global economic environment.
Her OB should have cut her tubes after her first child!!!
Posted by: paul Curooke
Paul Carooke, I hope, is fertile. Wouldn't want to deny the American Gene Pool the contributions of this Mensa Chapter President.
Barack Obama for President
Hope, Change, and just a pinch of pathological, subliterate hatred to keep it spicy.
Think they're scared?