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August 04, 2008
Manhattan Hobo Hunt Update [someone]
You know the drill -- can't bump old posts, so here's another one. (And interestingly, it looks like the new site won't publish anything you save as a draft first, so careful.)
(If you want to catch up, first thread's here and the second here.)
Based on the feedback, it looks like Saturday, August 16 will be the date. Here's your last chance to scream about it before it's officially official. You can also email me at blog dot someone at gmail dot com if you haven't already.
A recap, mostly culled from the original post:
Morons Take Manhattan 2: Electric Boogaloo. It's finally happening.
Where? Similar to last time: a bar in NYC.
Who? Well, morons. Socially inept men and some surprisingly attractive (married) women.
What? Val-U-Rite. Hobos. Ewok-baiting. Lamenting New Blogging Thingy. You know the drill.

posted by xgenghisx at
05:40 PM
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