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August 30, 2008
Zogby: Obama "walloped" by WalMart voters
Interesting, because this is a decidedly non-Tiffany's demographic Obama wants to appeal to - the poor and middle class he claims he wants to "help". For whatever reason, they ain't buying his pitch so far.
Among those who said they shop regularly at Wal-Mart - a demographic group that Zogby has found to be both "value" and "values" voters - Obama is getting walloped by McCain. Winning 62% support from weekly Wal-Mart shoppers, McCain wins these voters at a rate similar to what President Bush won in 2004. Obama wins 24% support from these voters.
And 22% of Hillary supporters are claimed to be going off the reservation too:
The interactive survey shows that 22% of those voters who supported Democrat Hillary Clinton in their primary elections or caucus earlier this year are now supporting John McCain.
Come to WalMart for the low prices, stay for the hot VP. What's not to like?