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August 11, 2005
The Ace of Spades Challenge
I've wanted to write this for a while. It's not timely anymore. So this is a big waste of time.
But if Democratic politicians really believe that the Social Security system is a better "investment" than, you know, actual investments, why don't they put all their savings into the Social Security system? If the law does not permit overpayments into the system, we can change that to allow people to contribute as much as they want to the system, drawing out additional funds pro rata based on their higher contributions.
Sound good to any of them? I doubt it.
I was finally prompted to mention this by The New Editor's post that Howard Dean, dedicated foe of personal accounts, has a cool $2.5 mil invested in stocks and bonds.
Either he's lying about the risks of the stock market or else he's crazy.
Not sure which. Honestly, I'm not. I could go either way on this one.