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August 21, 2005
Hitler ended hyperinflation, therefore he was a good leader.
I'm sure at some point the degenerates at the BBC used that sentence. After all, parasites like Howard Dean and Michael Moore use it to make Iraq seem better under a genocidal dictatorship.
So I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised when Lord Haw-Haw's intellectual heirs start waxing nostalgic over the Taliban like this:
These days, many outsiders often think it is the Taleban who were responsible for most of this country's troubles, forgetting the civil war that followed the Soviet withdrawal.
For people in Kabul at least, the worst memories come from that time, when mujahideen factions took control of the city, then proceeded to tear the city apart in internecine warfare.
Perhaps 50,000 people died. It was the Taleban who brought it to an end.
This part really makes me laugh:
And one reason many Afghans worry about these forthcoming parliamentary elections is that a significant number of those running were commanders and senior figures in those factions, some accused of direct involvement in atrocities.
Human rights groups and many Afghans say they should be standing in the dock, not in a new parliament.

posted by Tanker at
12:54 PM
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