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August 05, 2005
Cowbell! More Cowbell For My Centurions!
July Job Growth Better-Than-Predicted At 207,000 New Jobs; June and May's Jobs Numbers Revised Upwards By 42,000
Golden diapahs, babies. Golden diapahs.
Democratic Spokesbabe Flavia Colgan called the job creation figures "inadequate." "The corrupt and illegal Bush Administration can try to fool the American people with its 'numbers' and 'stats' and 'proveable facts,' but the American people are smarter than that."
She paused for a moment to part her lips in a subtly sexy manner. "The American people know the economy is just like the Billy Joel classic Allentown, except it doesn't have a good beat and you can't dance to it."
Miss Flavia then announced she had to go, as she was late for Hotness Class.
Thanks to Running At the Mouth.
Justine Bateman Pics After The Jump: Okay, don't knock me because this first one isn't sexy. She's a little girl in it. But I think it's cute, because she's posing with a very-young Jason Bateman.
Update: And one shot of Jason Bateman as an adult.

But I can't leave it at that, so here's a hot one:

As Michael J. Fox would say: "Mallory... Mall-o-ryyy...!"
For The Ladies and/or Aaron and Other Homos:

First one I found. Looks okay in it. I like the Good-Guys-In-The-Road-Warrior shirt. He just needs a compound bow and he's all set to defend the guzzoline.