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August 14, 2005
Air America Scandal: NYT Corrects Franken Quote; AP Picks Up Story
Maloney and Malkin get results!
Having misquoted Al Franken to make a somewhat-damning quote into an anodyne one and being called on it ("reverse Dowdification"), the NYT meekly corrects.
Quite a few papers have run the AP story on what Malkin dubs "Air Enron." Probably not very prominently, but the embargo is lifted.
Although Powerline notes that the stalwarts at the Mineanapolis (Red) Star are continuing to fight the good fight against keeping their readers informed about major stories.
Kudos, Red Star! It takes courage of a Sheenan-like magnitude to be so vigilant about coccooning a left-liberal audience from stories that would cause them discomfort.