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August 02, 2005
How BBeck Spent Her Weekend
This looks like something I've linked before, but it seems a little different. It's re-edited, and there are special effects in it, including, yes, a LIGHTNING BOLT! and what looks to be some sort of "curing spell."
And a beholder.
And crunchy heavy-metal music.
It's one thing to do this with your free time, but is really wise to keep videotaped evidence of these scandals?
Thanks to See Dubya.
And, since I'm relinking old stuff on the D&D tip that I think I linked a while ago, here's Patton Oswald in an episode of Reno 9-11 explaining why he shot his friend with an actual crossbow bolt while playing Dungeons & Dragons.
Okay, he says the arrow was "enchanted with a Magic Missile spell," which is a mistake, because Magic Missile just shoots a little blob of energy; you don't cast it on an arrow. I point this out not to say "Hah, hah, you got it wrong," but rather to suggest they knew this but deliberately got it wrong so they could pretend they don't know the game that well.
See, I sometimes do that too.
Thanks to Gregory for that.
One More Great Old One: A Jack Chick parody about Lord Cthulhu-- "Who Will Be Eatan First? (Zip file.)
Great Old One. Cthulhu. Come on, give it up. I'm a geek Oscar Wilde.
Thanks to Evan.