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August 31, 2005
Katrina: Hell On Earth

Click on pic for some horrible footage of the damage, via LauraW.
It's very bad.
Looting, rioting in prisons with hostages taken, the drowned dead floating in the riverine streets...
The fabric of civil order was frayed. The Superdome changed from an arena of sports heroics into a grim experience for about 10,000 refugees. Three hospital patients died in the dome and another death was reported by officials. One suicide was also reported, but could not be independently confirmed.
Inmates took over a local jail and looting continued for a second day.
"It's downtown Baghdad," Denise Bollinger told the Associated Press. The tourist from Philadelphia watched looters and snapped pictures in amazement. "It's insane. I've wanted to come here for 10 years. I thought this was a sophisticated city. I guess not."
That's kind of a dumb quote, the sort of a thing a liberal would say. There are some people who just don't appreciate civilization and order, and how swiftly either can be swept away.
By natural forces, by human evil and mayhem, or simply by disregard and contempt.
Aiding the Stricken: I hope Instapundit won't mind if I swipe his compilation of worthy charities which might help the victims of Katrina.
American Red Cross
Catholic Charities is involved, and probably has lots of resources to draw on in the heavily Catholic New Orleans area.
Austin Bay is recommending Episcopal Relief and Development.
Liz at Rightalk suggests that animal lovers donate to the Humane Society.
Here's a link to Mennonite Disaster Services. The Sanity Inspector says they're highly efficient.
Reader Peter Viditto recommends The Mercy Corps
Here's the link for Methodist Relief.
The Salvation Army does good work...
Hugh Hewitt recommends Samaritan's Purse
Scott Ott recommends Southern Baptist Disaster Relief.
Jay Allen has a further suggestion:
I would suggest people donate through their companies whenever possible. Most major corporations offer matching funds to the dollar for charitable donations. Find who's collecting money for relief efforts, then file for a match through your employer instead of sending to the agency directly.
Not bad -- if your employer is supporting this.
Chuck Simmins is tracking corporate donations.
Technorati Tags: flood aid, Hurricane Katrina