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August 09, 2005
New York Times Sought Roberts' Adoption Records
They denied it, but now it's confirmed. Sleazy as hell.
I don't know if I feel like engaging in this -- payback is a bitch for all concerned -- but the press should know that if they're going to engage in this sort of scandal-fishing, well, they do call themselves "The Fourth Estate." They are important political actors, by self-admission (well, self-boasting, actually); perhaps they need a similar vetting.
Surely there are dirty little secrets our nobel press corps wouldn't want let out of the bag about them...?
There's a Shadow Media out there, kiddies. And we can get tips and make confirmatory phone-calls the same as you.
And do a lot of digging and publish embarassing stories about personal matters, same as you, only about you.
Y'all really ready to play by the same rules you torment the rest of us with?
There used to be a line. Apparently no longer. Fair enough.
But if the MSM indulges in this sort of digging and smearing, they're hardly in a position to cry foul if all the people they've ever screwed or screwed over or both start sending little emails to bloggers. And if some of those scandal-tips see their way on to the Internet.
After multiple layers of painstaking editorial fact-checking, of course.