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August 04, 2005
Young Boys Wankdorf erection relief
Uhh, that's ESPN's headline.
What does it mean? Well, first of all it means I'm going to get a couple of dozen more hits from Google today.
Second of all, it means that someone at ESPN set out to write the gayest sports headline ever, concerning a German Swiss soccer franchise called the "Young Boys," who, ummm, play at Wankdorf stadium, and who are relieved that their "erection" (also called a "stadium") is now, uhhh, up and ready for action.
How will ESPN top this? It'll be tough. But I'm tipped their next story will be:
Raging Penis Sweetboys Fondle Nutsacks Turgid Dorkwand Throbbing Funmuscle Jm J. Bullock
Thanks to Tim.