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August 17, 2005
Valerie Plame: The Biggest Story of Our Age
And by "age," I mean the last seven or eight months.
Michael Wolff, a thoroughly useless media vamp and basically a long-form blogger (in the sense that he makes off-the-cuff silly speculations, and seems to write primarily to provoke), made this claim.
They say politics is show-business for ugly people. Breathless media hype opinionizing seems to be politics for people even uglier than politicians.
Oddly enough, Richard Cohen, a liberal but more professional and less interested in self-promoting soundbites than Wolff, slammed him for his remark:
You guess, and then you write!" Cohen blasted later at Wolff. "This is a crappy little crime, and it may not be a crime at all."
Wolff is basically an Attitude Artiste. His writing (I'm told, by people who bother to read him) is fairly good, but he just doesn't have a lot to report or anything approaching substantive analysis, so he gets by on snark and Big Grabby Opening Paragraphs that are never quite supported by the drivel that follows.
Nothing wrong with that, I guess. Just not sure why he's making a lot of money and I can't even sell a hundred tee-shirts.
Must be his smoldering Freddy-Mercury-esque looks. Minus the moustache and wifebeater tee's, of course.