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Terror-Apologism Summer Blockbusters! »
August 11, 2005
And now for the greatest French export since perfidy...parkour!
Charles Darwin gives it two thumbs up!
A British teenager died attempting a leap between two buildings, copying the free-running craze, a British newspaper said Thursday. Free-running, or parkour, was developed in the Paris suburbs in the 1980s. Expert jumpers leap gracefully across rooftops and run along high ledges.
Gee, I wonder why someone would have needed to run like a madman across rooftops in the first place? You don't suppose he was being followed by Inspector Clouseau do you?
By the way, suburbs in France (Froggystan?) have the opposite meaning of suburbs in America. Their suburbs, or banlieues, are decaying slums worse than any ghetto on this side of the Atlantic.
Some other notable attractions of these socialist utopias are:
Independence Day Fireworks
Women's Rights Advocacy
Boy Scout Training
Ace's Update: Say what you want, but these guys make really cool videos.
I've heard of worst past-times in the French slums.
posted by Tanker at
12:55 PM
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