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Monday Overnight Open Thread (7/1/24) »
July 01, 2024
Cat-Crazy Cafe
Nature is Amazing
The Eternal Couple
Saaya and Cleopatra have been courting since 4 years now and whenever they are together it's a sight to behold.
Savage lioness attack.
The wolf cat is the weirdest little critter.
Cat and pigeon play-fight every day.
Crumbs of evidence.
Cat breaks into lynx enclosure at the zoo, and is accepted. Getting a lynx to lick you is the cat equivalent of hooking up with a supermodel.
A poor dog was put into a bag and dropped in the river. Don't worry, some good people save him.
When you go to your local fishing hole only to discover that two giant pythons have taken position in the trees around it, and are looking to fish you.
Two kangaroos stage a Wild West barroom brawl on someone's back deck.
An affectionate dog wants hugs and kisses.
Photographers are taking pictures of penguins when one charismatic penguin with real star power comes over for his glamour shots.
This girl really knows how to "lotion the hippo," if you catch my drift.
Raven (or crow) tricks two other birds into fighting with each other.
Officer, I swear, that elephant jumped right out in front of me!
Polite thief.
A zorse.
Friendly toad and possibly a prince.
A mirage.
Speaking of optical illusions -- is this horse coming or going? Place your bets. At the end of the video you can see which way he's moving.
The ultimate battle: Pussy vs. beaver.
Oscar the Cat-Grouch:
Social media is addictive:

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
07:36 PM
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