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July 31, 2024

The Morning Report — 7/31/24


Good Morning Kids. So in defending itself and perhaps staving off a massive bloody battle as in Gaza, with targeted decapitation strikes against senior leaders of the barbarians along its northern frontier, Israel managed to vaporize individuals who had rivers of American blood on their hands, yet the usual suspects in the media and the Left, But I repeat myself, are not happy.

Do they not remember, nor care about, the US Marines killed when these fiends drove truck bombs into their Beirut barracks in the summer of 1983? That is of course a rhetorical question.

Even as the Biden junta scrambled to protect Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed terror group, from an Israeli response after its rocket targeting a soccer field killed 12 kids, the Islamic terror group has an ugly history of killing Americans.

“The worst part for me is that nobody remembers,” Mark Nevells said last year on the anniversary of the Hezbollah bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut.

A Marine had thrown his body in front of the truck to try stop the vehicle and afterward for five days, Nevells and other Marines had dug through the rubble for the bodies of the men they had served with.

One of the first Marines on the scene heard voices coming from underneath the rubble. “Get us out. Don’t leave us.”

The Marines lost more people that day than at any time since Iwo Jima and the number of Americans murdered that day by a terrorist group was a record that would stand until September 11.

Before the attack, the NSA intercepted a message from Iranian intelligence in Tehran to the Iranian ambassador in Damascus ordering “a spectacular action against the United States Marines.”

. . . Hezbollah captured, tortured and murdered Americans. Colonel William R. Higgins was captured by Hezbollah, the terrorist group acting as Iran’s hand in Lebanon, and tortured for months until his body was dumped near a mosque. An autopsy report found that he had been starved and had suffered multiple lethal injuries that could have caused his death. The skin on his face had been partially removed along with his tongue and he had also been castrated. . .

. . . Like Higgins, William Francis Buckley, the CIA station chief, was also captured and tortured for months. On video tapes released by his Hezbollah captors, he was incoherent and his mind had been broken by the horrors inflicted on his ravaged body and his soul.

. . . Robert Stethem, a Navy diver, was brutally murdered when Hezbollah terrorists took over TWA flight 847. The Iranian-backed terrorists, one of whom was Imad Mughniyah, beat and kicked him to death.

And yet the puppet masters of Joey Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants and Kamala as well as the Foggy Bottom bottom dwellers view Israel as the problem and have done all they could for decades now to supplant it with Iran as the major power in the region. A nation that views armageddon as desirable, whose key slogan is death to America. Oddly enough, the Leftists and Democrats right here believe in the same damn thing and have done all they could over the past two centuries to achieve that goal as well.

As I mentioned, the media are not happy about what Israel did. Considering who and what the media are, no surprise here.

And in the last few days or so, I had an article about airline crew wearing pro-"PLO" flag pins in solidarity with the very same fiends who hijacked airliners, butchered crews and passengers for decades culminating in 9/11. Insane.

The origins of the Islamo-leftist alliance are rooted in a convergence of mutual interests and ideological blind spots. On one side, radical Islamic groups espouse a fundamentalist worldview that seeks to impose its interpretation of Sharia law in the West and oppose Western influence in the Muslim world. On the other side, extreme leftists advocate for radical social and political revolution, often viewing Western capitalism as the primary source of global injustice.

While these two groups appear ideologically disparate, their collaboration is driven by a hatred toward a common enemy: the West and its allies. The Islamo-leftist alliance holds a particular hatred of Israel, the Jewish people, and their Western values in the Middle East. In the United States, the Occupy Movement, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement are key actors. And abroad, their unlikely yet staunch allies in Iran and across the Middle East encourage their advocacy. Leftist activists and radical Islamists unite in terminology, tactics, and vitriol to delegitimize, demonize, and defame Israel and the United States. This movement, which consistently traffics in blatant antisemitism, targets Jews globally and fosters an environment of anti-American hatred and intolerance. . .

. . . While Jews are often the immediate targets, the Islamo-leftist alliance poses a broader threat to America and its foundational values. At its core, this coalition seeks to dismantle the principles of democracy, individual liberty, and pluralism that define Western civilization. Their hatred toward Israel and the Jewish people overlaps with their rejection of American exceptionalism and America’s international power. It’s not a coincidence that every “pro-Hamas” march and rally – disguised as “Pro-Palestinian” – is drenched not only in antisemitic imagery and rhetoric, but also in anti-American vitriol. American flags are burned alongside Israeli flags. Calls for the destruction of Israel are followed by anti-American chants. When Israel and the Jewish community are assaulted, American civil liberties, values, and freedoms are next. The alliance threatens America in the following ways:

Undermining Institutions: The extreme left and radical Islamists disdain the foundational values underpinning Western civilization. Together, they promote a narrative-based view of history, avoiding fact-based objective analysis. This can be best seen across American academia, where ideological views are given priority over academic integrity and the pursuit of truth. The same leftist worldview, and the commitment to a stringent Marxist political orthodoxy, has also taken over American corporations and much of the media. The recent leftist obsession with demonizing the police perfectly encapsulates the Islamo-leftist overlap. The Black Lives Matter movement and associated protests maintain a posture that’s anti-police and anti-Israel. Furthering this connection, both radical Islamists and leftists disseminate propaganda that connects Israel to American policing practices and training.

With that as the set-up, we once again go to our non-existent southern border and equally invisible immigration controls:

Vile Muslim extremist with his own ‘ARMY’ plans to create an Islamic homeland under Sharia law on island near US border - and reveals why he saw Canada as a good ‘base’A firebrand Muslim clerk eyed up an island on the border of the United States and Canada to purchase and turn into an Islamic state.  

In a video to his followers, Sheikh Yasser al-Habib, 45, an extremist scholar who already runs military-style training camps, revealed he is in advanced talks to buy an island off the west coast of Scotland.

His group plans to build its own school, hospital and mosque on the island, where it intends to practice sharia law. Al-Habib - who claimed asylum in Britain 20 years ago after fleeing his native Kuwait - told his followers during their property search they considered an ‘island located on the border between the United States and Canada.’

Sarah Zaaimi, a deputy director for communications at the American think tank Atlantic Council, who has researched al-Habib, said: ‘They will have their own army, their own justice system, they will manage their own schools and hospitals, and people from around the world will be able to migrate to this homeland.Encouraging supporters to donate, al-Habib said Torsa will become an Islamic ‘homeland’ which they will create to prepare for the coming of their messiah, known as Mahdi.

Al-Habib has already raised more than $3 million of their $3.5 million goal to purchase the land.

Fear not though, we’ve got border czar Kamala on the job—all I can say is deport, deport, deport, and don’t stop deporting until the West is the West again. Because...tick, tock, tick, tock:

Well that last bit sadly is a virtual non-starter considering that upwards of 10% of our entire population at this point are illegal aliens. I'd say unless and until violence and mayhem explode all over the place, but that is exactly what has been happening especially in the past four years. But Trump said pussy. And so it goes.

And this kind of madness is not new. It has been going on under our noses for years. But of course the greatest threat we face is this mythical army of white-supremacists threatening (our precious democracy!) Who march to the dog whistles of Donald Trump.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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posted by J.J. Sefton at 06:20 AM

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