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July 17, 2024
Donald Trump is Now an African Legend On Par With Shaka Zulu and Elon Musk
Thanks to vmom stabby stabby stab:
In the last thread, Moron Analyst explained Beau Biden's legendary Bronze Star, received as a JAG officer far from any fighting:
There is a lot of stupid details about military awards, not being able to award the Meritorious Service Medal to troops through much of the Iraq/Afghanistan wars, etc. Suffice to say, the Bronze Star became the standard award for many Field Grade (Major and above) officers, and captains commanding companies (how I got mine).
To get it for gallantry in combat, you get the Bronze Star with "V" device, a little silver "V" on the ribbon, denoting "valor". This distinction didn't exist in the past.
Thomas Paine, I think, said that the award, if missing the "V" for Valor, is a basically a Participation Trophy given to most Iraq/Afghanistan vets, meaning only that you served honorably in-theater, not that you did anything heroic in combat.
But Honest Joe sure does have everyone convinced that Beau Biden was engaged in glorious combat with those legendary "burn pits," doesn't he?

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
03:19 PM
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