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July 18, 2024

Biden Aide: Middle Class Joe Isn't Dropping Out No Matter What the Elites Say
"Multiple Sources:" It's a Done Deal, Biden Will Withdraw His Candidacy on Sunday

Stay strong, Middle Class Joe. Courage.

All of Regime Comms are declaring a "Code Red," trying to bully Fighter Pilot Joe out of the race.

Don't they know he was an All-American Football Star? Don't they know that his son Beau bravely killed over 100 'Cong in Iraq?!

ABC, NBC morning shows give blunt assessment of Biden's future: 'Code red' ABC's Jonathan Karl said that he didn't see how it's 'tenable' for Biden to remain in the race

It's called "democracy," Fat. Look it up.

ABC's George Stephanopoulos and Jon Karl, NBC's Kristen Welker offer blunt assessments of Biden's future

ABC News hosts George Stephanopoulos and Jon Karl, as well as NBC's Kristen Welker, all offered some blunt assessments of President Biden's standing among prominent Democrats as he faces more calls to bow out.

CNN, ABC, NBC and MSNBC hosts offered some grim assessments on the future of President Biden's candidacy on Thursday, as several prominent Democrats have called on him to bow out of the race.

"It's almost like they're saying, 'we can do this the easy way or the hard way,'" NBC's Kristen Welker said Thursday on "Today," referring to several reports of leaked, private conversations the president has had with prominent Democrats.

Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., publicly called on the president to bow out on Wednesday. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., also reportedly told the president on a phone call that he should drop out, and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has reportedly told Biden he can't win.


Welker added that Biden has remained defiant. His campaign has said that the president is the Democratic nominee and has no plans to drop out of the race.

"Joe Biden has said he is running for President of the United States. Our campaign is moving forward, drawing a vision and a contrast between that of Project of 2025 and what we've seen for the past three days here in Milwaukee -- the extreme agenda of Republicans -- and that's where our focus is. There are no plans being made to replace President Biden on the ballot," Principal Deputy Campaign Manager Quentin Fulks said Thursday.

You tell 'em, Fulks.

ABC's Jon Karl and George Stephanopoulos also discussed the president's future on Thursday. Stephanopoulos, a former aide to Bill Clinton, said the "walls were closing in" on Biden.

Oh boy -- the "Walls Are Closing In" for Biden!!!

That must mean he's staying in forever, right? Because that's what it meant when you said it of Trump.


Stephanopoulos said the president was "getting word that his fundraising is completely drying up."

I got the same word about your wife but I'm not blabbing about it all over the internet.

"I am told, in terms of the major donors, the money into the campaign has stopped. And yes, in polling you've seen upwards of 70% of Democratic voters saying they would like to see a different nominee. That is very hard to sustain," Karl added.

This is gold: Murdering Joe Scarborough, who claimed that Joe is "far from cogent -- this is the best version of Biden ever, intellectually, analystically," now says that the people around Biden must "help him" to "do the right thing."

He doesn't mean "stay in the race." Biden has already repeatedly said he's staying the race.

He means what Nancy Pelosi meant when she said that Biden "must decide," after he repeatedly announced his decision: They both mean that he must decide something else.

Even some of Biden's biggest media allies, "Morning Joe" hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, appeared to suggest Thursday that Biden might not be on the ticket, 10 days after he called their show and emphatically said he was not getting out.

"The Dems need to get it together. They really need to get whatever they've got going, going. Whatever it is, the problem should not be our candidate. The focus should be on Donald Trump," Brzezinski said. "You know, it may or may not be Joe Biden."

Scarborough called on Biden's allies to "do the right thing."

"You know, it's really incumbent on people that are around Joe Biden to step up at this point and help the president, and help the man they love, and do the right thing. This is not going to end well if it continues to drag out," he said.

Megyn Kelly has a funny compilation of Murderin' Joe and Mika going through "the five stages of grief: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance:

Even Elite C*cks*cker Barack Obama is now putting out the word that he wants Joe out of the race.

Regime Newsletter the Washington Post:

Former president Barack Obama has told allies in recent days that President Biden's path to victory has greatly diminished and he thinks the president needs to seriously consider the viability of his candidacy, according to multiple people briefed on his thinking.

Obama has spoken with Biden only once since the debate, and he has been clear in his conversations with others that the future of Biden's candidacy is a decision for the president to make. He has emphasized that his concern is protecting Biden and his legacy, and has pushed back against the idea that he alone can influence Biden's decision-making process.

Behind the scenes, Obama has been deeply engaged in conversations about the future of Biden's campaign, taking calls from many anxious Democrats, including former House speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), and has shared his views about the president's challenges, according to people with knowledge of the calls, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations.

But Football Hero Joe is standing strong in the face of these attacks by the Elite!

- President Biden's re-election campaign is pushing back against a slew of reports in the past 24 hours that the president has become more receptive in the last couple of days to hearing arguments about why he should drop his 2024 re-election run.

"Our campaign is not working through any scenarios where President Biden is not at the top of the ticket. He is and will be the Democratic nominee," Biden principal deputy campaign manager Quentin Fulks told reporters at a news conference Thursday morning near the site of the Republican National Convention.

Fulks emphasized that "the president has said it several times. He's staying in this race" and "we look forward to him accepting the [nomination of the] delegates in Chicago and continuing with this race to talk about what's at stake."

We're all still waiting for you guys to finally decide if Biden is in or out.


Asked a second time at the news conference if Biden may consider stepping aside, Fulks responded that the president "is not wavering on anything. The president has made his decision. I don't want to be rude, but I do not know how many more times we can answer that. Joe Biden has said he is running for president of the United States. Our campaign is moving forward."

So that's what this Fulks-head is claiming.

But I saw a tweet from Biden's repellent spokesman Andrew Bates. Bates is legendarily nasty and vindictive with the few members of the press that ask tough questions.

But when this story about Biden "wavering" went out, he responded only:

"Incorrect. Keep the faith."

That sure seems like a very measured response from this very nasty White House -- almost as if he's now wondering where his next job will come from, after Biden drops out.

On the other other hand: Check out this great excerpt, highlighted by John Ekdahl.

Biden's people are now blaming "Democratic leaders" like Schumer and Pelosi and Barack Obama for giving us Trump in the first place.

They're complaining that Schumer and Pelosi and Obama, especially, favored Hillary over Biden and thus lead to Trump beating Hillary.


Correction: I didn't believe they would actually call Obama out, but they did.


Will they turn on Obama?

And will the Deep State begin leaking blackmail information they've been hoarding about the Biden Crime Family?


Alas, this new breaking update from Mark Halperin seems definitive: They're just putting together the last details. Biden's out, and by not endorsing Kamala Harris, it appears that everyone has agreed to an open convention.

Mark Halperin @MarkHalperin

BREAKING NEWS: Multiples sources outline the apparent state of play on Biden at this time:

* plans to announce withdrawal from nomination as early as this weekend, with Sunday most likely

* Jon Meacham polishing up remarks

* Biden with NOT resign the presidency

* Biden will NOT endorse Harris

* open convention with Harris and about 3 others

* super delegates will not be allowed to vote on 1st ballot

* Harris is vetting at least four possible running mates, including Andy Beshear and possibly Shapiro

More on this fluid situation at 6pm ET LIVE on YouTube @2waytvapp

Well, unfortunately, though I was hoping against it: I was right. I've been saying for more than a year that people should not base their strategy on beating Biden, the weakest of all Democrat candidates because he's the one most burdened by the Biden Legacy of Failure. All other Democrats will just say "that ain't got nuffin' to do with me. I'll do things betterer."

I've said ad nauseum that iff it appears that the Vegetable is going to lose, they'll yank him.

And unless "multiple sources" are lying to Halperin, he's being yanked.

I hope our Plan B is strong.

We do have a possibly nasty convention to look forward to, but if The Elites are strong enough to push Biden out of the race, then The Elites are also capable of squashing any challenges to their preferred candidate at the convention.

But wait -- is there still hope for Middle Class Joe?

Andrew Bates @AndrewBatesNC

This fan fiction is wrong

See, that is a very weak denial. When you say something is "wrong," you can mean that any particular point is wrong, and you can say later that you told the truth. You didn't say it was globally wrong, entirely wrong; you just said it was wrong, which could mean "wrong in a single respect."

The fact that he is using this well-known rhetorical fake-denial technique worries me. I read it as practically a confirmation.

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 06:15 PM

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