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July 13, 2024

The Classical Saturday Morning Coffee Break & Prayer Revival


That's my kind of filling station


Good morning Horde. Hopefully you have grabbed a beverage. We won't hold grudges if it isn't coffee. I think.

A big "Thank you" to Annie for today's Prayer Revival. Before we enter the Prayer Revival, just a few house keeping matters. (Rulz for those of you in Des Moines)

1) This is an open thread, so feel free to lurk, opine and/or bloviate away. KT should be along later today. Glad she is feeling better.

2) Be nice to one another. No jumping on the furniture.

3) If we have told you once we've told you at least 50 times not to run with sharp objects. Some of you are slow learners.

4) Have a Great Weekend!!!!


AoSHQ Weekly Prayer List

Please submit any prayer requests to me, “Annie’s Stew” at apaslo atsign hotmail dot com. Prayer requests are generally removed after four weeks unless we receive an update.

Prayer Requests:

6/11 – Sponge’s wife, “The First Lady” has breast cancer, and the initial prognosis is good, as it is Stage 1 and caught early.
6/20 Update – The meeting with the surgeon was moderately frightening, as she ‘s been declared Stage 1B ,which means it’s a relatively aggressive form and can spread quickly.
6/28 Update – The blood test came negative on hereditary cancer markings, so that is good. They meet with the oncologist on 7/11 and surgery is scheduled for 7/22. Hopefully it will be just a lumpectomy and 5 days of radiation.

6/15 – Jewells posted that she has decided to end her cancer treatments. She had 6 months to go on her 2 year palliative care program, but the chemo drug is ruining her quality of life.
6/22 Update – They are going to get a second opinion. She still doesn’t want to do any more chemo, but maybe another doctor can come up with something else.
6/29 Update – Jewells will get a CT scan 7/2 and will see the new doctor on 7/8. She is losing weight, which is a concern.

6/15 – Grumpy and Recalcitrant asked for continued prayers for J.J. Sefton of the Morning Report. He is about to begin chemo and radiation therapy.
6/27 Update – J.J. posted: “On a personal note: for those who have been asking about me, I’m four days into treatment and mercifully not feeling any side effects so far. Thank you for your continued support and prayers.” Grumpy and Recalcitrant sends a big thank you to God for helping to keep J.J. strong at this time, and asks that we all keep J.J. in our prayers as he continues with his chemo and radiation therapy for his cancer.
6/29 – J.J. posted that he’d completed week 1 and has 5 more to go. He asked God to bless everyone for their prayers and well wishes.

6/19 – DangerGirl lost the SanityProd requests prayers for her father, who was admitted to the hospital with respiratory issues. He’s been struggling for the past year, on and off, with shortness of breath and could use prayers for both healing and a proper diagnosis. (The doctors can’t figure out what is causing it.) Thank you!
6/27 Update – Dad is back home, on oxygen as needed and other meds. The doctor thinks it is an allergic raction to something that is causing his bronchial tubes to spasm and create mucous, which results in low oxygen levels and breathing issues. Future plans include appointments with allergists and cleaning out the HVAC.

6/22 – Our country is screwed offered prayers of thanksgiving that their daughter, age 27, battling breast cancer, is on her last chemo treatment. She has tolerated it very well. She still will have surgery in August.

6/22 – Aetius451AD sent thanks to the Horde for the prayers, and thanks to God, for the healing of his dad after a heart attack and surgery. Dad is cleared for normal activity now.

6/22 – Tonypete requested prayers for Sandy, a friend from church who passed suddenly.

6/22 – Gushka asked for prayers for herself and for her husband’s soul. His body was found in the river. He had been missing since 12/8. The coroner is ruling it a suicide.

6/23 – Steck asked for prayers for a former co-worker named Allen. Before Allen was transferred back to his former job, Allen became cold and distant after hearing that Steck is a born again Christian. As a former atheist, Steck’s experience is that there’s often a nearby “support system” of fellow atheists. Please pray hard to bring Jesus into this fine man’s life, and into the lives of those around him and change their hearts as well.

6/25 – TP asked for prayers for JT, who is ill and in need of prayer.

6/25 – Alberta Oil Peon posted that he has a lump of some sort impinging on one of his vocal cords. He is booked for surgery on 7/31.

6/26 – VM requested prayers for 2 co-workers. Mrs. C, who is hospitalized for an unspecified illness. And Mrs L, whose teen daughter is in the hospital for a seizure.

6/29 – Misanthropic Humanitarian asked for prayers for our local, state, and federal officials.

6/29 – FenelonSpoke asked for prayers for her son’s university. They are facing financial difficulties. It is a small “farm school”, founded by a rabbi, and has a steady enrollment of students studying farm/dairy/animal science. Fenelon’s son was happy there, and the professors are good.

6/29 – Reforger is looking for a job. He quit after 6 years of being treated poorly.

6/29 – bluebell posted that she had the following message from BitterClinger: It is my most fervent prayer that those there that are struggling would find relief, that those that strive would find success, and that those that worry would find comfort, that those that are ill would find healing, and most of all that the truth of the Savior of the world, our Lord Jesus Christ, would live in the hearts of them all, throughout all trials and storms and in every jubilant and celebratory moment and even in the dull times. We shall see each other on the other side, and what a glorious time it will be, when our strivings cease and death and corruption is defeated.”

6/28 – Sal asked for prayers for Karen, age 11, who was recently diagnosed with leukemia. Her prognosis is good, but this is a big hurdle for a kid. Petitions for courage and patience would be great. Thank you!

6/29 – bluebell passed along a request from grammie winger, who asked for prayers for her husband, Rev, who is having open heart surgery on 7/8 to take care of his aortic aneurysm. Recovery time is expected to be 6-8 weeks.
7/9 Update – Rev’s surgery went well. The aneurysm is gone and he woke up alive!

7/6 – Miklos requested prayers for Old Mama, who at the age of almost 86, has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, which has apparently already spread.

7/6 – neverenoughcaffiene brought up prayers for lousagirl, whose husband passed away a few weeks ago.

7/6 – FenelonSpoke asked for prayers for Jessie, the former church organist, who was hospitalized with a UTI.

7/7 – mindful webworker was hospitalized again with intestinal issues. It was resolved without surgery.

7/8 – Tonypete’s friend’s granddaughter was in a severe car crash. She is gravely injured with massive head and leg injuries, and is in a coma. Prayers for her and for the rest of the family, including Tony’s friend Rudy, are appreciated.

For submission guidelines and other relevant info, please contact Annie's Stew, who is managing the prayer list. You can contact her at apaslo at-sign hotmail dot com. If you see a prayer request posted in a thread comment, feel free to copy and paste it and e-mail it to Annie's Stew. She tries to keep up with the requests in the threads, but she's not here all of the time, so she may not see it unless you e-mail it to her. Please note: Prayer requests are generally removed after four weeks or so unless we receive an update.

2 Corinthians 4:8-9
We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed.

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posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 08:30 AM

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