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July 12, 2024

Kurt Schlichter: The Media Has Exposed Itself Worse Than Jeffrey Toobin

Before getting to Colonel Kurt, here are a couple of Regime Media stories:

USAToday announces that it was the gun store's fault that Hunter Biden illegally bought his Cocaine Gun.

Gannett's flagship newspaper USA TODAY claims in a recent story that if a Delaware gun shop had "done its job" in 2018, Hunter Biden would never have been able to illegally purchase the .38 Special Colt Cobra revolver, which led to his three felony convictions.

"By law, handguns can be sold by shops only to state residents, who must provide a government-issued proof of residency, and Biden was not a legal resident of Delaware in 2018. Instead, he offered only a passport, with his name and birthdate," USA TODAY reporter Nick Penzenstadler wrote in the story, which was titled: "Hunter Biden's gun case was spurred by an ATF form. The shop violated federal law."

The same allegations were first brought up in court by Hunter Biden's defense team, but Judge Maryellen Noreika correctly pointed out that the gun shop was not on trial.

Penzenstadler never mentions in his story that federal law requires the firearm purchaser to present valid identification and to be truthful on the ATF Form 4473, which Hunter Biden certainly was not. He concealed his drug addiction when asked "Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?" At the time, Hunter Biden was smoking crack cocaine nearly every 15 minutes, according to courtroom testimony presented during his trial.

Now that is what you call "a hot take."

CNN will cut "about 100 jobs" in a "major overhaul." I'll go right ahead and read "about a hundred jobs" as "more than a hundred jobs," because of course that's what they mean.

News outlet CNN will cut about 100 jobs as part of a plan to consolidate news operations and bolster its digital business, according to an internal memo seen by Reuters on Wednesday.

CNN will merge its news-gathering and digital news teams, invest in video operations and launch pay-per-view news products, CNN Worldwide CEO Mark Thompson told staff in the memo.

"We are building a billion dollar+ digital business of the future," he said in the memo.

You are building your own tomb.

Rachel Maddow defamed a doctor on the air, accusing him of performing "mass hysterectomies" at shelters for illegal aliens. She's being sued for $30 miliion.

NBCUniversal is headed for trial after a judge ruled in favor of a Georgia doctor who MSNBC's biggest stars accused of performing "mass hysterectomies" on women at a Trump-era immigration facility in Georgia. The judge ruled that Rachel Maddow, Nicolle Wallace, and Chris Hayes made "verifiably false" statements about the doctor, who is suing NBC for $30 million.

The discovery process in the lawsuit, which has received little attention, has drawn back the curtain on the inner workings of MSNBC, revealing how the liberal cable network works hand in hand with NBC News, which seeks to portray itself as nonpartisan. NBCUniversal's standards department reviewed and approved the reporting on the Georgia doctor, before it was published on and then broadcast on MSNBC programs. The NBC News correspondents, Jacob Soboroff and Julia Ainsley, worked closely with a standards executive during their reporting. Soboroff is also an MSNBC correspondent.

Furthermore, Maddow--who was deposed for the lawsuit--and Hayes were personally involved in the off-camera vetting and editorial conversations around the segment to an extent that can be unusual for on-camera hosts.

Maddow is reportedly paid about $30 million a year by NBCUniversal to host her show one evening a week and work on longer-range projects.

In her ruling last month, the judge, Lisa Godbey Wood of the Southern District of Georgia, found that Maddow, Hayes, and Wallace made 39 "verifiably false" allegations about Mahendra Amin, a gynecologist who treated detainees at a Georgia Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility.

A nurse at the facility had made a whistleblower complaint alleging that Amin was performing "mass hysterectomies," many of which were medically unnecessary, and that he was known as "the uterus collector." The nurse's claims, which she admitted were based on hearsay, were later found to be false.

This is the most incredible of all stories: ABC "News" is "livid" that Clinton Spokesman and Lifetime Democrat Operator George Stephanopolous said that Biden was unfit to continue as president when asked by a guy on the street for his opinion.

ABC "News" is claiming their brand is damaged by this first, one-time/only-time expression of George Stephanopolous' political bias.

This is the first time! He's never been cautioned before, not when he's yelling Republicans off his "news" set.

But now, only when he expresses an opinion in the fight between different factions of the Democrat Party is his objectivity in question:

Tom Bevan @TomBevanRCP

"ABC bosses were concerned the veteran broadcaster had expressed a private opinion that would fatally undermine his appearance of objectivity."

'She was furious that someone of George's experience and status would compromise the news division's impartiality, and subject it to unnecessary and embarrassing headlines."

She's aware they employ Jon Karl, right?

Kurt Schlichter says that both wings of the Democrat-Media Party are now proven to be remorseless liars.

Let's put aside the crumbling ruins of the Democratic Party to celebrate, by making the rubble bounce, the total destruction of any residual credibility in the regime media. The regime media minions called in a napalm airstrike on their own position, and the fireball is rising. It's beautiful, man.


We conservatives knew about [Biden's obvious demenia]. We in the conservative media have been talking about his senility for years. I have certainly done my part. Do a Google search using the terms "Kurt Schlichter Townhall dementia Biden" and you get countless columns pointing out that this guy was a shambling golem since before he ever even allegedly won the presidency. How did we knuckle-dragging right-wing extremists manage to discover something all the geniuses of the regime media somehow overlooked? We conservative media types didn't attend the University of College's prestigious Media Matters School of Journalisming. They all did. That's how they got their gigs at the New York Times, the Washington Post, NBC News, and all those other paragons of reporting excellence that didn't manage to notice that Joe Biden was perpetually on the verge of soiling himself in public. How could they fail to ferret out this important information? Obviously, they weren't looking. Did they somehow believe that because the right-wing media had identified an issue that they couldn't look into it? Yes! We just watched over the last month as the regime media dismissed our observations of reality as a "cheap fake" conspiracy theory. Or, even more embarrassingly, did they actually believe the lies the Biden courtiers told them? "It's a stutter, and if you say anything about it, you are a right-wing racist!"

There is no good outcome for them. There is only a good outcome for us, assuming our enemies around the world don't use the incompetence of the White House as an excuse to nuke us. As I have said many times before, we are not the target of these revelations. All these revelations do is confirm what we've known through all the various regime media lie-cycles over the past decade. Remember the Russiagate lie? They gave each other Pulitzers over that one. Remember how Covid wasn't brewed up in a Wuhan lab, and to so say it was anything but contagious pangolins was racist? Remember how Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation -- 51 bureaucratic hacks said so, dammit!

Read the whole thing.

Mark Judge says to begin its long, long road to recovery after years of scandal, abuse, and remorseless lying, the media has to learn to apologize when it lies instead of just smearing anyone who noticed their lies as racists.

He quotes the Washington Post's kid-gloves "media critic" Erik Wemple:

News organizations, when they put out these big stories, they put their soul into these pieces. And when they turn out to be [expletive] up, they can never, ever -- it takes them forever to come to grips with it. So people on the outside say, "Why can't you just admit this is wrong?" No, no! We sweated over this. We edited this five times. It went through 15 layers. We lawyered it. There is this emotional attachment to the work.

When news organizations drag their heels -- take the [fake] gang rape story with Rolling Stone at UVA -- it took them months or years [to admit it was false]. They finally had to commission an investigation.

I think that is what is common to most media crises. It's not just the first mistake. It's the refusal, the stubborn resistance to change or to correct. Editors will say, "When we make a mistake we'll correct it," but that's just not often the case.

Often? It's always the case -- the bigger the lie, the more absolutely the media will refuse to correct it.


Journalists are now like active alcoholics who simply will not admit to any wrongdoing -- or even that they have a problem. The first drink was Watergate. The 1970s scandal that drove Richard Nixon from office was a great party for the press. The atmosphere in the media and on the Left was glamorous, filling writers with a sense of intoxicated invincibility.

For the past 50 years, the press have been trying to replicate the buzz from that time. Journalism is no longer a way to convey news from your community to the masses. It's a means to destroy someone powerful and become a celebrity. Just as an alcoholic will start to cut ethical corners and need more and more booze for less and less effect, reporters post-Watergate became sloppy and even disinterested in facts. Mistakes and lies became more and more common.

Apologize? Forget it. They can't even admit they have a problem.

The media absolutely refuses to correct, let alone apologize for, the many, many hoaxes they have been active, willing operatives in:

They will correct minor errors like mistating a birthdate or an official's exact title.

But the "51 experts" hoax?

The Russiagate hoax?

The "hands up, don't shoot" hoax?

The "very fine people" hoax?

Even in the midst of their current hoax, the Biden Is Sharp as a Tack and Any Videos That Suggest Otherwise Hoax, they refuse to retract and apologize. They just claim "our sources lied to us, we're the real victims here."

As I always say, the media campaigns to deplatform and de-bank competitor news sources that question them. They claim we're spreading "dangerous disinformation" and they lobby for social media companies to ban us, and other corporations to flatly refuse to advertise with us.

When we point out they spread more disinformation than anyone else, they always say the same thing:

"When we make a 'mistake,' we are the first to correct it."

This is a lie. They do correct their actual mistakes, but they never correct the deliberate propganda hoaxes they spread with full knowlege that they're untrue.

So should they all be deplatformed? Shouldn't all advertisers be warned by front-companies of the US government that no one should advertise on these disinformation platforms?

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posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 03:20 PM

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