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July 30, 2024
Seymour Hersh: The Big Three -- Pelosi, Schumer, and Obama -- Told Biden That Kamala Harris Was Ready to Invoke the 25th Amendment If He Didn't Agree to the Coupists' Terms
Happy Tuesday. I hope everyone is happy and full of vigor.
I know many of you are Concerned about my shelving situation, but I want to assure you that Sh3lving Phas3 3 is now back on track...
If this is true -- and I believe strongly that it is -- then 1, it's a coup, and 2, Biden should not be president now. If they had the votes to declare him incapacitated and incapable of being president, then he is incapacitated and incapable of being president right now. Not in January 2025, but right now.
Geiger Capital
Insane story from Seymour Hersh...
Biden was threatened with the 25th Amendment by top level Democrats.
"Obama called Biden after breakfast [on July 21] and said, 'Here's the deal. We have Kamala's approval to invoke the 25th Amendment.'"
I told you, I told you! But what did you say, you said "aw, it's nothin' but an 'armless little bunny..."
Hersch also reports that the "medical emergency" Biden experienced in Las Vegas caused him to become "deathly pale" and to slur his speech to the point of incomprehensible. (I will preempt your jokes (because I'm an a-hole) and say "day that ends in -y, amirite?")
Via Matt Vespa.
As Matt Vespa notes, Biden's symptoms seem more in line with a stroke than with "covid."
Sourcing problems? Some commenters are dubious about Seymour Hersch, generally.
>>> The story is plausible but because it comes from Seymour Hersh, one of the biggest yarn spinners ever.... I am dubious. Perhaps if other investigative reporters can verify I'd be more inclined to believe.
yes but... I mean, I said this before, therefore it's true.
In all seriousness, *something* forced Biden to drop out when he clearly did not want to. The coupists were all saying "It's happening on Sunday, we're writing the speech he'll give" and Biden, plainly, was unaware of this schedule they'd made for him.
So what changed?
the 25th Amendment threat changed.
It makes sense.
The fact that it makes sense does not mean it's true.
But it all making sense is a reason to consider this a live possibility. What is the alternative narrative that explains the confident predictions that Biden is leaving on Sunday while Biden kept saying he wassh in the racshe until the end?
CNN, doing it's gaslighting thing 5 days ago after Trump's NC rally:
"The bosses, they said, 'Either you get out, or we're going to throw you out using the 25th Amendment,'" Trump said in prepared remarks opening his rally. While there's no evidence to back up Trump's wild claim about Biden, it is a verifiable fact that Trump's own Cabinet considered the idea of using the 25th Amendment against him in 2021."
Posted by: mrp

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
12:22 PM
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