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First-World Problems... »
July 14, 2024
BrylCreem Newsom And AB 1955...The Final Nail In The Coffin Of California Freedom
AB 1955 is a sop to Transgender Inc, the Medical/Industrial complex of California, and the teachers' unions.
The trannies get what they want because this will remove children almost completely from the control of their parents, and hand that control to a cabal of blue-haired, multi-cat female lunatics who seem to dominate in teaching. All the budding Dr. Mengeles will be able to experiment on a new crop of children while making bank. And the teachers get more of that thrill when they do less work and more proselytizing for their pet psychotic political and social goals...in this case the destruction of the family and probably a fair amount of grooming, because a lot of these chicks can't get real men to bang them, so they go after their students.
Oh...what's AB 1955? It is a bald-faced theft of California's children from their parents!
The bill, Assembly Bill 1955 -- also known as the SAFETY Act -- prohibits public schools from notifying parents if their child requests to use pronouns that conflict with the child's sex or a name that differs from the name the child was given at birth. Students may also elect to use the bathrooms of the opposite sex and the school will not be obligated to tell parents.
Which of course is the first step in the sordid pathway from sort-of-confused 12-year-old (and which ones aren't?) to horribly mutilated adult with volcanic anger issues, a nonexistent sex life, and most likely a hard-wired inability to form normal and meaningful relationships.
Sadly, there is no statement in opposition, and there is no official opposition listed. That means...and I know this will shock you...that the California Republican party is a pathetic waste of oxygen and should probably just give up now, because they are useless.
AB 1955
It's a mass of government double-speak that is no doubt designed for the big payoff to...everyone who is invested in the destruction of traditional, successful, amazing western culture. You know...the Democrat party!
But this is putting retard Gavin Newsom in a bit of a pickle. If he signs the bill -- and you know he wants to -- then he can be linked to the lunatic fringe mainstream of the California wing of the Democrat party. If he doesn't sign it, then he will be branded a horrid MAGA fascist rapist Christian Republican white Supremacist (did I get them all?).
Newsom Won't Say If He'll Sign Bill Forcing Schools To Hide Kids' Dysphoria From Parents
Go long on popcorn futures.