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October 03, 2005
Krugman Error Finally Corrected, Kinda
Krugman's multiple errors about the 2000 recount -- some errors appearing in "corrections" which supposedly fixed previous errors -- has finally been noted by a correction. But not by Krugman, noted by NYT's previous ombudsman of being too egotistical to admit an error:
I learned early on in this job that Prof. Krugman would likely be more willing to contribute to the Frist for President campaign than to acknowledge the possibility of error. When he says he agreed ‘reluctantly’ to one correction, he gives new meaning to the word ‘reluctantly’; I can’t come up with an adverb sufficient to encompass his general attitude toward substantive criticism.
Gail Collins cooked up a silly "editorial" of her own about the Times' correction policy in which she herself corrects Krugman's error, as he, we must assume, refuses to do so himself.
Bonus points: she claims that the correction wouldn't run appended to a Krugman column (the Times' stated policy as regards op-ed corrections) because she wanted to avoid "cruelty to readers."
Nice. The New York Times now accepts that its liberal yuppie audience has been so successfully coccooned by their left-liberal bias that to inform them of discomfitting facts would constitute actual "cruelty."
More at Decision '08, which also notes additional Times chicanery in correcting Frank Rich.