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October 05, 2005
Tall Chicks All Business?
British reseachers point to elevated testosterone levels and its associated higher competitiveness in explaining fact that tall women are less likely to marry and have kids.
The Times of London summarizes their work and writes:
Earlier research by the same authors showed that levels of testosterone in the saliva were linked with maternal feelings. The more testosterone women had, the lower they scored on maternal personality and reproductive ambition
And, contrary to the previously prevailing explanation that taller women simply had more difficulty attracting men:
[The authors] conclude, rather, that taller women have more of the male sex hormone testosterone, which could give them more “male” traits, such as being assertive, competitive and ambitious.
Actually, I don't think I ever heard the underlying fact that tall women don't marry/have kids as much as shorties. But then, no one tells me anything.

posted by Dr. Reo Symes at
11:21 PM
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