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October 28, 2005
Drinking May Reduce Libido, Shrink Testicles
More lies from the metrosexual gestapo at Reuters.
Also, it's known that alcoholic men can develop signs of low testosterone, including shrunken testicles and enlarged breasts.
Hmmm... well, if you drink enough, you get fat, so there's the "enlarged breasts" thing. (If you drink even more than that, you get skinny, so you just have to make sure you don't half-ass things. If you're gonna destroy yourself, get thin doing so.)
The big upshot seems to be that drinking reduces one's reproductive capacity, for both men and women, which would suggest -- you heard it hear first -- if you want surefire birth control, just get really sloshed and sleep around.
I'm guessing that most people would say that alcohol actually tends to increase the odds of pregnancy, especially of the surprise variety.