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July 17, 2012
The Obamas Have $450,000 Invested In Companies That Outsource
This is so stupid. But Obama has dictated we have to talk about dumb shit like this, so we don't talk about the fact that he is a Stuttering Clusterf**k of a Miserable Failure.
Something has just occurred to me: That Obama is counting on the Bain attack not to reap dividends in and of itself, but to prepare the battlespace for his real attack, Mediscare.
Paint him as a brutalizer of poor, vulnerable folk now so when they bring on the Throw Grandma Down The Stairs attack, the public will be inclined to think the worst.
If this is the case -- and it seems likely to me -- Romney really has to push back against this, and not merely in a tu quoque way against Obama; he has to push the image of a smart, careful custodian of money, whose decisions, while unfathomable to a piker like Obama, were ultimately good for the economy.