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July 12, 2012
Did Joe Biden Praise Reverend Wright In His NAACP Speech? Sure Looks Like a No
Pretty sure it's a no.
Here's the thing: He definitely does mention a "Reverend Wright." But is this Jeremiah Wright? Bear in mind Biden's spent his whole career in Delaware. And he speaks about de-segregating the Queen and Rialto theaters.
And google does turn up both a Queen and Rialto movie theater in Wilmington, DE, where Biden spent his years as a public defender.
And as far as the Reverend Wright: I'm guessing, but I think he probably means Reverend Wayne Wright, currently bishop of the Episcopal Church in Delaware. Google turns that up as a likely suspect.
So, just giving everyone a head's up. Pretty sure this is a wild pitch.
Now, on the other hand: Who the fuck is this "Mouse" character?