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July 30, 2012
Top Headline Comments 7-30-12
Happy Monday.
Walter Russell Mead has a must-read post on the energy revolution and environmentalists. It is, as typical for Mead, brilliant.
The NYTimes' Andrew Rosenthal is not amused by the White House's clumsy attempt to put to rest the story of the Churchill bust: "I got some facts wrong, because I made the mistake of relying on a White House blog post by the communications director Dan Pfeiffer. . . . The White House’s handling of the issue was bumbling and amateurish. In other words, business as usual." Charles Krauthammer thinks an apology would be appropriate.
Some good poll results for Romney. After a month of Obama ads trashing him for Bain and after six months of media fixation on clown questions, e.g., Shamus, bullying, Mormonism: 48 percent of voters consider Romney the stronger leader, compared to 44 percent who favored Obama. Similarly, 47 percent of likely voters also said Romney most shares their values while 44 percent picked Obama. When asked which candidate voters considered more honest and trustworthy, 46 percent said Romney and 44 percent said Obama. The crosstabs are interesting (PDF).
According to the Daily Caller, a new book on the Obama Administration scheduled for release in August claims that Obama cancelled the UBL raid three times on the advice of Valerie Jarrett before finally making the gutsy call.
A new Gallup poll finds that voters' absolutely lowest priorities are taxing the wealthy and dealing with environmental problems. Voters want good job creation the most.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:50 AM
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