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Overnight Open Thread (7-5-2012) »
July 05, 2012
Utah Suing Federal Government
Utah contends that the Bureau of Land Management is breaking the law when making decisions on land use.
The Red Rock Wilderness Bill never passed into law; yet it seems the BLM is going on ahead and managing the ten million acres addressed in Red Rock as if it did, anyway.
"The BLM denies gas drilling leases, or rights-of-way on roads, that should be granted by law. But because they conflict with the Red Rock Wilderness Act, which is not the law, Utah loses out."
Consistent with this administration's general theme of arrogant unaccountability, the enviro-potentates at the BLM have been refusing to disclose their reasoning on land use decisions to the locals.
But now a judge has ruled that the federal government must release the documents that show what rationale they are using to consistently deny lawful requests for land use.
Please go to the link to see the news video, which is short but good. The reporter takes the time to point out that Red Rock was sponsored by a NEW YORK CONGRESSMAN. You can imagine Utahns all spitting in unison when they heard that part of the broadcast, heh.
Is there a source one can turn to, to find out what states are suing the Federal government for similar overreaches of authority?
It's the same thing with these leftists, over and over again, isn't it?
They don't have the right to do something, but they go ahead and illegally do it anyway. If you don't like them creating an authority over you by decree (or apparent conspiracy), you must sue. Your choice is either to sue, or to submit to an illegal authority that doesn't really exist in the first place. That seems fair, eh?
Which is just another form of this administration's never-ending lawfare against the states.
Their illegal activities are causing your state to expend time and money to defend your rights and autonomy. Once again. And as a taxpayer, you get to pay the legal costs of both parties.
Thanks to longtime Utah Moron skinbad.

posted by Laura. at
05:14 PM
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