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Breaking Broken: Obama, For The Approximately 10 Millionth Time, To Call For Tax Hikes »
July 09, 2012
Top Headline Comments 7-9-12
Happy Monday.
The Supreme Court is still leaking like crazy, if this unsourced report-cum-analysis is any indication. The Chief Justice's late switch in the Obamacare case, along with his attempt to strong-arm Justice Kennedy into switching too, looks to leave long-term problems. BTW, I never understood why people were claiming that these leaks came from the liberals or from liberal clerks. This is very obviously coming from the conservative wing of the court, which is seriously, perhaps irrecoverably, pissed off at the Chief Justice.
President Obama will give a Rose Garden speech today calling for extending the Bush tax cuts for another year, but only for people making less than $250,000. As you know, the GOP is pushing to permanently extend the Bush tax cuts for all Americans. Each time Obama went up against the GOP on this before, he caved and approved the tax cuts for all, but only after lying his ass off about it.
The Romney camp raised $106.1 million last month and has $160 million cash on hand. The Obama folks haven't released their June numbers, but Democrats say that Obama was out-raised, just like in May. The interesting number would be Obama's expenses. Even though he's been making taxpayer-funded trips to avoid paying full cost for travel, the word is that Obama's already spending more than he's taking in.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:50 AM
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