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July 13, 2012
Obama: I Regret Not Speaking Slower And Using Smaller Words. If I Had, You'd Realize How Lucky You Are I Let You Have Me As Your President
Bumped by ace. Make sure you check out the sneaky changes Slublog made to the unemployment chart, which I missed on first glance. Also, embedded video added after the fold.
You might think Obama's greatest regret as President would be, oh I don't know, massive unemployment, crushing debt, or even a couple of hundred dead Mexicans.
If you did think any of those things, you'd be wrong.
"When I think about what we've done well and what we haven't done well," the president said, "the mistake of my first term - couple of years - was thinking that this job was just about getting the policy right. And that's important. But the nature of this office is also to tell a story to the American people that gives them a sense of unity and purpose and optimism, especially during tough times."
Mr. Obama acknowledged the dissonance between others' perception of his strength as an expert orator, and his own.
"It's funny - when I ran, everybody said, well he can give a good speech but can he actually manage the job?" he said. "And in my first two years, I think the notion was, 'Well, he's been juggling and managing a lot of stuff, but where's the story that tells us where he's going?' And I think that was a legitimate criticism."
Pressed by Rose about what he felt he needed to explain better to the American people, the president corrected that he wanted to do more "explaining, but also inspiring."
Liberals simply can't fathom the idea that people don't like their policy ideas and the results they produce when we're stupid enough to let them run things. No, it's always our fault for not "getting it".
Well, they are going to get it at the ballot box come November.
Related: The Obama campaign released a new chart showing what unemployment will be like in a second Obama term (if God forbid, there is one).
I may have lied and that chart is from the great @slublog (who you should be following on Twitter if you're not already) and not the Obama campaign. Who is to say?
Dave in Texas reminds me to remind you that as often as you see that chart around, it was invented by a former commenter/co-blogger here at the HQ named Geoff.

posted by DrewM. at
09:10 AM
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