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August 08, 2011
Shall We Play a Game?* [krakatoa]
Sit down and consider: This man had his finger on the economic button for 19 years.
"The United States can pay any debt it has because we can always print money to do that." - Alan Greenspan
Why bother with that? Let's just see if Zimbabwe will float us a low-interest consolidation loan?
And to think I was worried that Social Security would dry up by the time I hit retirement age.
Hell, with policy like that I'd be absolutely rolling in the greenbacks in another 30 years. I'd be able to drop a stack of c-notes without a second thought. That and 15 minutes with my wrinkled old pucker might even rate me a moldy loaf of bread from the local Federal rations officer.
Luckily for us, Greenspan is out, and Ben Bernanke is in.
Ohhhhh. Right.
Note to self: Add several jars of Vaseline, and a carton of Prep-H to go-to-hell bag.
*I think I'd prefer a nice game of chess.

posted by Open Blogger at
10:05 AM
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