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August 01, 2011
ACU's Disappointing GOProud Decision
Late Friday night word began to circulate that the ACU board of directors had voted to exclude GOProud from CPAC in February. GOProud's participation in the conference has been a sore point for some, but by no means all or even most, social conservative interest groups for the past two years.
The American Conservative Union is preparing to open registration and announce sponsorship opportunities for our Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) 2012. As a courtesy to your organization, a previous co-sponsor of CPAC, this letter serves to inform you GOProud will not be invited to participate in a formal role for CPAC events scheduled during the 2012 election cycle.
It's seriously disappointing, but not exactly unexpected, to see this decision taken now, when conservatives should be most united in driving the Democrats out of the Senate and White House. I was pleased to see many prominent conservatives, including Andrew Breitbart and Roger Simon, immediately denounce the decision.
YID with LID and Joy McCann have noteworthy posts on this.
I've tucked GOProud's legislative agenda below the fold.
1 TAX REFORM - We support replacing the current tax code with the Fair Tax. Until then, we support death tax repeal; domestic partner tax equity; cuts in the capital gains and corporate tax rates to jump start our economy and create jobs; a fairer, flatter and substantially simpler tax code.
2 HEALTHCARE REFORM Free market healthcare reform. Allow for the purchase of insurance across state lines expanding access to domestic partner benefits; emphasizing individual ownership of healthcare insurance such a shift would prevent discriminatory practices by an employer or the government.
3 SOCIAL SECURITY REFORM - The only way to permanent solvency in the Social Security system is through the creation of inheritable personal savings accounts. Personal savings accounts would give gay and lesbian couples the same opportunity to leave their accounts to their spouses as their straight counterparts.
4 - RESPECTING THE PROPER ROLE OF THE JUDICIARY - We believe our Constitution should be respected and that judges appointed to the federal bench should recognize the proper and appropriate role of the judiciary as laid out by our Founding Fathers.
5 HOLDING THE LINE ON SPENDING Standing up for all tax payers against wasteful and unneccessary spending to protect future generations from the mounting federal debt.
6 FIGHTING GLOBAL EXTREMISTS Standing strong against radical regimes that refuse to recognize the basic human rights of gays and lesbians, women and religious minorities.
7 DEFENDING OUR CONSTITUTION Opposing any anti-gay federal marriage amendment. Marriage should be a question for the states. A federal constitutional amendment on marriage would be an unprecedented federal power grab from the states.
8 ENCOURAGING COMMUNITY ENTREPRENEURSHIP Package of free market reforms to encourage and support small businesses and entrepreneurship. Such reforms would create jobs for all Americans including gay Americans.
9 REVITALIZING OUR COMMUNITIES A package of urban related reforms; expanding historic tax preservation credits; support for school choice.
10 DEFENDING OUR COMMUNITY Protecting 2nd amendment rights.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
07:39 AM
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