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August 31, 2011
Green Jobs Are To Real Jobs as Unicorns Are To Horses: Another Vaunted Green Jobs Plant Shutters
Obama's successes just keep piling on each other like kids playing Kill the Guy With The Meatball.
A California solar-panel manufacturer once touted by President Barack Obama as a beneficiary of his administration's economic policies as well as a half-billion-dollar federal loan is laying off 1,100 workers and filing for bankruptcy.
Solyndra LLC of Fremont, Calif., had become the poster child for government investment in green technology. The president visited the company in May 2010 and noted that Solyndra expected to hire 1,000 workers to manufacture solar panels. Other state and federal officials such as former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Energy Secretary Steven Chu also visited the company's facilities.
But hard times have hit the nation's solar industry. Solyndra is the third solar company to seek bankruptcy protection this month. Officials said Wednesday that the global economy as well as unfavorable conditions in the solar industry combined to force the company to suspend its manufacturing operations.
Yes, global economic conditions are very hostile to solar right now, with oil prices at historic highs. I mean, you wouldn't want to compete when your competitors are extraordinarily expensive, would you?
Of course that would assume that solar competes with oil. It doesn't. Solar competes with ObamaCare, welfare, food stamps...for subsidies. In as much as it relies on government subsidization to continue on.
And that is why the "global economy" actually disfavors it. Less government money to move from one slush pile to another. This product is not sold to consumers; it is sold to governments and lobbyists and tax lawyers.
Thanks to Chad.