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August 11, 2011
Rasmussen: President Obama Approval Rating: 56%
Disapproval: 43%
You know, just when I think people are starting to wake up...
Oh, wait a tick.
I meant his approval rating is 43/56
Even worse:
His approval rating is now at parity with those who strongly disapprove. One more slip, and there will be more people absolutely committed to ousting him than all of those who even slightly like the guy.
Other polling goodies:
Fox News found his DO NOT RE-ELECT number at 51%.
CNN piles on, finding him losing to Rudy Giuliani (why they polled him I haven't a clue) 46-51, barely edging Romney 49-48, and beating Bachmann 51-45 and Perry 51-46. Oh, and this is a poll of adults, so adjust accordingly for likely voters.
The polling, even the rescue polling, is moving in one general direction.
Before the troll who trolls trolls piles on, he is down to 50.7% on Intrade.
Lastly, let's take a look at how hard the electoral map has shifted. I give the generic republican a helluva lot more than the guys at Real Clear Politics, but the contrast in their maps from 2008 to now is striking:

Can we stop freaking about that silly PPP generic ballot poll now?