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August 21, 2011
President Obama wants to Kill the Poor. [krakatoa]
UPDATED below with a link to some historical stats, courtesy of dad29.
Good for the goose, right?
If the Left and their mouthpieces in the press are allowed to run ads and "news" stories portraying the Right pushing Granny off a cliff, then we need to be willing to muck it up with them.
Obama's end-run on Congress and the citizens of the U.S. vis-a-vis Cap 'n Trade continues apace. Expect energy bills to increase in January as producers are forced by the EPA to incur higher costs.
Oh, they assure us that the benefits far outweigh the costs. Government projections on the efficacy of bureaucracy are sacrosanct, after all.
Environmental groups praised the new rule because it would reduce acid rain and air pollution as well as help curb health effects from dirty air linked to coal plants. The EPA projected the rule will save up to 34,000 lives a year and prevent more than 400,000 asthma attacks as well as 19,000 admissions to hospitals.
I'd sure love to see an accounting of all EPA regulations forced on the U.S., in terms of how accurate the EPA projections were vs the cost to the economy. dad29 provides a link to Junk Science debunking some of the numbers.
But the EPA isn't in the "results" game. Besides - any data suggesting targets weren't met just mean more regulations are necessary. It's a hell of a scam.
So when your heat doesn't seem to want to come on next winter, for either lack of funds to pay your bill, or lack of energy production, please try to be warmed by this ageless remark from President SCOAMF :
"You would think they would be saying thank you."

posted by Open Blogger at
11:57 AM
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