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August 02, 2011
Dems Plan Pivot to Jobs
Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. *wipes tear*
No, really, they mean it this time. Having done all that America requires of them on spending cuts and debt reduction, it's gonna be all jobs, all the time. Which in true Democratic form requires spending bills...
This is via Politico's Playbook, a morning news email that provides pretty good intel on what the other guys are up to.
Dems want to change the subject fast, and polls show the need to talk more about jobs. Party officials say jobs will be their key message in August, followed by Hill action after Labor Day. Many Democrats fear the budget fights of this year have distracted from the issue that will be central to voters in the fall of 2012 - and officials want to get Paul Krugman off their backs.
A Senate Democratic official tells Playbook: "There is nothing stimulative or jobs-based in this final deal that got struck. That's unfortunate, but it also gives us an opening in September that we can say, 'We've met you halfway and passed a huge, historic debt-reduction measure. Now it's time to do something for jobs.
Newsflash for Senate Democratic officials: restraining the Obama Administration's over-regulation of businesses, large and small, will allow them to create jobs. Continuing to let the President regulate the life out of job creators will continue to net you the historic unemployment rates that have become a hallmark of progressive governance.
The July jobs report will be out Friday...

posted by Gabriel Malor at
07:29 AM
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