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August 25, 2011
DOOM: Quick hits

[I'm kind of busy this morning, so I'm afraid this is just going to be a link-dump. Sorry.]
The "meh" CBO report is even more "meh" than expected.
Steve Jobs calling it a day as CEO of Apple.
Why the Eurobond idea is stupid.
Looking forward to America’s next credit downgrade.
That whole Greek loan-collateral dustup in Europe is getting worse.
Keynesian economics versus regular economics.
There are two ways to view Keynesian stimulus through transfer programs. It's either a divine miracle—where one gets back more than one puts in—or else it's the macroeconomic equivalent of bloodletting.
Marcellus Shale “bonanza” not such a bonanza after all.
Gold -- the world’s currency. (But it did fall to earth a bit.)
More “green” FAIL.
All eyes look to Teh Bernank.
I wondered how long it would be before some moonstruck Donk with fond misremembrances of FDR would trot out the “bring back the WPA!” line, and lo! so it happened.
Regarding the desire for a WPA-style jobs plan: Why not use spoons?
How QE2 went wrong. Technical, but interesting if you’re into that kind of thing.
This whole article could be replaced with five words: AND THEN A MIRACLE HAPPENS!
“Kill the quants before they kill us.”
Reminder: A VAT is a bad idea if you're a fan of small government.
UPDATE 1: Deficits mean nothing! Spend! Spend like the wind, you wingnut gun-toting Jesus-shouting slope-heads!
"So then I said, 'I'll give you a quarter if you smell that cat's butt', and the kid said, 'Show me the money first'. Long story short, the kid has a shiny new quarter and I've got a precious moment preserved in pictures."