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August 23, 2011
The Feminist Goal Was Never Equal Pay for Equal Work; It Was More Pay for Less Work
From Phyllis Schlafly at Townhall.com:
Judge Loretta A. Preska of the U.S. District Court in Manhattan tossed out this case in which some female employees accused financial and media services giant Bloomberg LP of workplace discrimination because their bosses failed to pretend that pregnant employees and those who took time off for maternity or other purposes were really doing the same work as those who worked faithfully fulltime on the job. This is another example of the fact that the feminist goal was never equal pay for equal work, but always was more pay for less work.
Referring to the way the women's case was based on a few anecdotes and not statistics, the judge wrote, "'J'accuse!' is not enough in court. Evidence is required."
Mirabile dictu! The judge really shocked feminists, since they usually win when they assert fault against the so-called patriarchy without any evidence or fear of prosecution for perjury.
The trouble with many younger women is that feminism falsely taught them to plan their life career in the workplace without any space or time for marriage, a husband or children. They have a total lack of understanding of how demanding a new baby is, and how they really want to spend their time after a baby arrives.
Via @AdamSBaldwin.
posted by rdbrewer at
11:40 AM
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