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August 19, 2011
Fore! Obama's Playing Golf Today
Drudge is beating hell out of Obama. Probably most cutting is his photo selections lately. First the bike (with helmet), then the professorial supercilious sneer:
That should inch that personal favorability down some.
The WH wants you to know he'll attend a security briefing today. Not mentioned as prominently: Golf.
Aides said Obama would mix his official duties with rounds of golf, and activities with his family, but by lunch time he had not ventured off the property, which is surrounded by woodland and fields where cows graze.
Obama aides said that Americans would not begrudge the president a few days of rest with his family.
Except the economy seems to be in crisis point. It is nearly like Bush taking a vacation during the Lehman Brothers implosion. And yes, the situation is moving that quickly and that badly.
For no very good reason, Michelle and the kids traveled by a separate plane, adding to costs.
I have a theory about why politically powerful liberals are so unashamed about lavish living on the taxpayer dime. To the extent they think about it at all (and most people don't actually question their good fortune, they just enjoy it without bothering themselves if it's fair or deserved), I think they believe that other rich people get their bounty due to greed and irrational structures, whereas those, like Obama or the jet-setting luxe socialist Dominique Strauss-Kahn, believe they are afforded these perks due a rational system of reward, so there's no guilt.
While other those in those notorious "corporate jets" have gotten their tickets due to unfair, undemocratic, greed-filled misallocations of wealth, liberals at the top of the academic/political/media pyramid have instead advanced in the democratic, rational, altruistic meritocratic systems in those pursuits.
So, no guilt. No shame. Unlike the typical "corporate jet" passenger, the Obamas have earned their seats, and "The People" have democratically chosen to splash these riches at their feet.
Someone on the Brett Baier panel, I think, predicted he'd cut his vacation short (and make a big deal about this -- I'm so patriotic I'm coming back to work two days early!!!). I think that's probably a good bet.
Below, "Schwalbe: The" linked this Drudge headline gif in the comments.