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August 29, 2011
Wikileaks Releases Thousands Of Cables Containing Unredacted Names of Agents and Sources
Supposedly, this was an accident; supposedly, they never intended to out agents and sources.
But they did.
The release of the file could potentially endanger the informants mentioned in the documents, many of whom live in countries whose governments are hostile to the US. The confidential diplomatic cables were redacted before publication to protect sources, but the file on the Internet contains the original, unedited documents.
Supposedly it happened like this: Supporters of Wikileaks posted what they thought was just an archive of already-published leaks, but the original, unredacted material was posted with it in a hidden file.
Then another Wikileaks person posted the password to read that file, not realizing the hidden file was publicly available.
Whatever their stories are, they should be arrested. Finally.
They have leaked information which result in deaths. Whether they did this deliberately, and contrived some cover story of a "slip-up," or they are just a bunch of arrogant prats who are playing a game of wannabe secret agents and screwed up anything as could have been easily predicted, it doesn't matter.
They took all the steps that led to this deliberately, and with malice.